
If you’re a fan of magic, dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction, romance, adventure, superheroes, coffee, family, super random thoughts, and the odd inspirational post *stops to take a breath* then we sound like a good match!


I write about things that interest me—often they are issues that crop up in my works in progress. These range from thoughts about romantic tropes, the immortal existence, and friendship in fiction, to more universal themes covering the human experience. I write about loneliness, about how to find joy, about resilience and facing fear. I explore these ideas from my own experience and perception, but hope they resonate with you too.

I am also a history teacher and the interconnectedness between history and identity and learning is important to me.

I try to mix up my posts so there are thoughts about writing, about tropes, about heroes, interspersed with the life lesson and self awareness posts.

I am a published fantasy and romance writer and am represented by Eva Scalzo of Speilburg Literary. My two published novels can be found on the Books page – click the image below to check them out.

Short Stories several of my short stories are shared on the blog. One of my short stories was published in the 2019 Flying Ketchup Press Tales from the Goldilocks Zone anthology. Another short story is published in the 2021 Depths of Love anthology from The Cloaked Press.

You can read more recent extracts of my work on the SNIPPETS page, or see an overview of my current Works in Progress HERE. If you would like to see some of the contest successes I have had, you can find those HERE.

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If you’d like to know more about me, click HERE.

I hope you enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy writing them 🙂